About Sand Salt Moon

Our Chloe – watercolor

Hi, I’m Cynthia. After a successful career as a Creative Director and writer in the advertising field, I retired early and am pursing my passion for art.

Art is in my DNA (my father is an artist). In the past, I’ve made jewelry and hand-made cards that were sold on Rodeo Drive in California and high-end gift shops nationwide. Today, I work in watercolor, acrylic, Chinese ink, and mixed media.

Like my artwork?

Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sandsaltmoon/

or Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sandsaltmoon/

You can also shop my designs as prints, on pillows, duvet covers and rugs, beach towels, make-up bags and more at https://society6.com/sandsaltmoon where you can also get information on discounts and FREE worldwide shipping.

Thank you for stopping by!

67 thoughts on “About Sand Salt Moon

  1. Hi Friend
    I hope you are having a great holiday with family and friends. Do you not have comments turned on for your post on purpose? You’re missing out on so much feedback I encourage you to turn comments on unless you have them turned off on purpose. I absolutely love the boat/marina piece. It looks so large! I’m reflagging to my Art site it has to be shared with people who appreciate art. Take care.


    1. OMG, thank you, my dear! I am a lazy blogger. I forgot to turn on comments. It IS large. I have to measure it. It’s going in our living room, to replace a dreary, dark sunset (artwork my sweetie bought online without me). Thanks for reblogging! Have a happy New Year and hope your holidays were special.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Oh oh, I reposted with today’s date – did it disappear from your blog? If so, please forgive me, I am feeling a little exhausted today and not totally with it! Your blog looks amazing, by the way.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s good to have a habit like this! 😉
        When I’m not at school and doing the interior work, then I usually sew and make jewelry at home. a lot to myself and then it’s good to have such a hobby.

        Right now I’m making my own collection of clothes and accessories for myself. The theme has something about winter, royal and a little typical Norwegian adventure.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely painting of your Bichon. Thank you for visiting and the follow on my site. I have so enjoyed your pages and your creative journey. Looking forward to visiting often and the creative adventures to come. Peace.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. That’s so beautiful I loved to visit all your Blog and enjoy your Art. We have several things in common which I just discovered reading your about post. I am an Artist, my father is an Artist, I love painting with watercolors and I love photography beside my Jewelry design, I am what people say a multi-talented 😉 I am Italian grow up there and moved to USA in 2002 of course I love to cook great healthy food! Cheers

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hello, thank you Sand for visiting my site and for the follow. I had a look and what you are doing and it looks interesting, I love the colours you are using and how your work is staying bright and fresh. I shall follow with interest. Sue

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Looking forward to seeing more of your creative artworks and paintings – have a great time exploring. Cute little Bichon! Nice to meet you Sand and thank you for following my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. HI, Thank you for visiting my page. We seem to have a lot in common in the painting and photography area..possible cooking (I used to do much more when my children were young) but not so much in the writing department. 😉
    I am looking forward to seeing your work, so far I really like your color palette, it is deliciously engaging, soft and pastel-like yet bright and flowery.


  7. Keep painting & practicing every day. Watch demonstrations of excellent painters. Watch how they apply brush strokes. They make every stroke count. I often look at the masters…John Singer Sargent’s watercolors are amazing! Good luck with your pursuit.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Good on you. Get on and explore, but get some advice – it can save a lot of time. Join an art group where there are some practitioners who will generally give you good tips and assistance. Lessons can be very expensive and can sidetrack you so are best avoided, until you have clear and specific needs.. Also develop your drawing, it is so key. Life drawing groups are great. I participate in a few and they also allow you to explore different media (again, avoid classes, but practising in a group will allow to see what others are doing and people are generous with help and advice.

    Liked by 2 people

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